News Sources

 Fox 5 DC

I use Fox 5 DC because it is the local news station for the Washington-Metropolitan area, or DMV (DC, Maryland, & Virginia). My mom is a huge news junkie so no matter what time of the day it is, you can always expect to see Fox 5 on the TV. They're a reliable and widely trusted source of information and you can always expect them to cover a wide range of stories while still making sure that the delivery of that information is entertaining and engaging to the viewers.


Twitter is obviously a lot more than just a simple social media app, it's one of the few apps that have a dedicated news section. But that's not the only reason why I like Twitter so much; because Twitter is still a social app at its core often times you might see people talking about an event that happened or some celebrity hours before any news outlet picks up on it. With that being said, knowing how to maneuver and decipher what tweets are valid and which are just people trolling is a skill you will need to learn fast if you use Twitter as a news source. Nevertheless, it is a good outlet for any news that you want to hear about fast and stay up to date on as it happens.


Instagram is another social app that I use for news updates, but mostly for updates on celebrities, sports, music, etc. I follow a couple pages like The Shade Room, sports teams, etc. Instagram is a good platform for people who want to casually be informed on events that they care about, unlike official news outlets you will only see content from people that you follow. For example, because I am a Sports major and I really like football, I follow a page that only covers football-related topics like injuries, trades, who's on the active roster, who's going to be out for the week, etc. 

The Washington Post

One of the most trusted news outlets in the country, The Washington Post has been around since 1877, and because of that, it has built up credibility and a reputation of being a forerunner in the news world. I remember when I was younger when I went to school in DC, once school let out on my walk to my parents AT&T store I would always pass by the news boxes and grab a copy of the newspaper, more so for my mom than for me, I was really only interested in the sports section and comics section. Nevertheless, The Washington Post is a viable source of information delivered on a daily basis, and even accessible online. 

News App

Nowadays we have more access to information and events going on around the globe than ever before, one of the ways we can access that information is from our phones. Most phones have a dedicated news app already built into the phone so you don't have to go download it. Whenever I want to read up on something without having to sift through a bunch of other stories I don't really care about, I go straight to the news app on my phone. It's very convenient for me personally because unlike Twitter, and Instagram there are a lot less things to distract e and pull my attention away from my original goal. 
