The Supreme Court


The Supreme Court. Has a nice ring to it doesn't it? I suppose it's only right for the highest court in the nation to have a cool name as well. Established in 1789 through Article Three of the U.S. Constitution, the Supreme Court was granted the ability to check and oversee the other two branches of government. As such this makes the Supreme Court the head of the judicial branch of government, which includes the responsibility of making sure that whatever actions the other two branches of government take are not in violation of the U.S. Constitution. 

    At the start of its founding, the Supreme Court had 6  justices, all of which were male. 1 Chief Justice and 5 Associate Justices all of who must serve until their deaths. However, in 1869, the number of Justices was changed from 6 to 9 where it has stayed until this day. Out of over 7,000 cases a year, the Supreme court will only accept less than 200 of those cases, all of which concern important issues that this country faces on a daily basis. Some of the more popular cases that the Supreme Court has addressed are Plessy v. Ferguson, Roe v. Wade, U.S. v. Nixon, and Texas v. Johnson.
