The Unheard Voices of the ANTIWAR Community

    After looking through the websites, and American Conservative they both express people's opinions on why war should not be declared and/or continued. But the question still remains: Why aren't their opinions being expressed in the mainstream media? Why aren't their voices represented anywhere but on these obscure sites?

    If we step back and take a look at what the possible reasons could be for the mainstream media to censor "antiwar voices" from the public the first one I think of is public opinion. More specifically upholding the ideal of a patriotic nation that supports its government. Mainstream media is an excellent outlet of groupthink, and they use that idea to help curve public opinion in support of the war. Now, imagine for a second if the mainstream media were allowed to express the opinions of antiwar supporters. This would have an immediate effect on public opinion, those who were already skeptical about the war would be reassured that they aren't alone. On top of this, the thought that the opinions of the antiwar sympathizers could affect the number of willing recruits that would join the army. 

    Second, the other reason that comes to mind is that war is a very profitable event for wartime contractors and companies that build war machines, aircraft, ballistics, etc. I'm willing to bet that news outlets have received money to push an agenda in favor of war, which contractor companies profit off immensely. 
