The Immortal Footprint


    For as long as I can remember, I've always been told to watch what I put on social media because it's permanent and future employers might see it. I guess that was meant to scare me as a deterrent, but instead, it's done the opposite. I don't mean that in the sense that I'm not wary of what I post on social media. I meant as me saying, I've simply accepted the nature and environment of social media, I understand it. I know which social media apps to post certain stuff on and which ones not to post stuff on. Each app has its own user-generated culture to it, and I believe as long as you understand and respect that culture knowing what you should post and what you shouldn't will be a lot easier. For example, my most used social media apps are Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook(rarely). The culture of Snapchat is vastly different from any of the other apps mainly because of its biggest feature that whatever you post will only be available to be seen for 24 hours, as well as the fact that you have a large amount of control over who can see what you post in the first place. 

    Like I said in my blog post on Privacy, nowadays it doesn't take much more than knowing a person's name to find them on social media, mainly Instagram and Facebook. However, just because they can find you doesn't always mean they can find out a lot about you. I try to take precautions and censor how much information people can get from my profiles, you might be able to figure out what college I go to, maybe what state I live in, but that's about it. Knowing how to limit the information you put out is a very crucial skill to have in this day and age. 

