Diffusion of Innovations


Twitter. Now one of the biggest social media platforms in the world, with around 330 million users worldwide, and more than 500 million tweets per day. Unlike other social media platforms, Twitter is more than just simply an online blogger style app, like Instagram, Snapchat, or Facebook. Twitter usage ranges from being a new outlet for some, all the way to being a way of connecting to others. Celebrities use it as a means of keeping their fans up to date, politicians use it to spread their opinions and agendas, artists use it to gain support for their work, etc. However, Twitter wasn't always like this, over time it became more than its creators had ever thought it would be.

  Twitter's "origin story" starts back in 2006, with a man by the name of Jack Dorsey, who worked for a company called Odeo and had an idea for an SMS-based social network. Originally starting out as a side project of Dorsey's and just a way employee's at Odeo could instant message each other, Dorsey then pitched his idea of Twitter to Odeo Co-Founder's Evan Williams and Biz Stone who both gave the green light for Dorsey to turn his side project into something more. On March 21, 2006, at 9:50 pm, Dorsey sent the first tweet and it read "just setting up my twttr". Since then Twitter has grown into a global social media platform with users of all ages with 63 percent of its users being between the ages of 35 to 65.
